Contour+ Waterproof Case price

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List Price: $49.99 Price: $39.14 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details You Save: $10.85 (22%)
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You already protect your skin from the harsh, wet elements with the best waterproof snow and river gear that money can buy, so why would you leave your Contour+ Camera exposed to Mother Nature's wrath? Whether your adventure plans take you to the tops of snowy mountains, the depths of raging river valleys, or to the ocean's shoreline, Contour built its Contour+ Waterproof Case to protect your Contour+ camera from rain, sleet, snow, and surf. The case won't nullify your camera's best features like the single record button, laser alignments, or its voracious mounting flexibility with compatible TRail Mounts. And it's also designed to work with other VholdR wearable camcorders, although with limited functionality on the record switch and power button features. Product Features Material: plastic Dimensions: Padding: no Weight: Recommended Use: waterproofing your Contour+, VholdR hands-free cameras Manufacturer Warranty:


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